Any chemical that causes mood changes can be addictive and repeated exposure can alter the brains chemistry to the point that more of the chemical is required to feel “normal.” Understanding How to Stop a Sex Addiction Endorphins are believed to be what causes the mood changes that occur after sexual release. When pleasure centers in the brain are stimulated, chemicals called endorphins are released into the blood stream. This can deepen feelings of guilt and shame and cause severe depression. Some try to quit on their own to no avail even after several attempts. People with sex addictions can’t stop their negative behavior even when they know it will have adverse consequences. Some put their jobs at risk because they are constantly thinking about and trying to arrange their next tryst or by looking at pornography when they should be working, sometimes even using company devices. They might cheat on their partners knowing that it puts their marriages and long term relationships at risk. Sex addicts often refer to sex as their form of pain relief or use it to relieve stress and tension. As with any addiction, they feel compelled to have sex and even put themselves in a position where they might get pregnant with an unwanted pregnancy or get venereal diseases that they might pass on to their spouses or partners. People who suffer from a sex addiction have sex even when they don’t want to or when it makes them feel bad or ashamed. You can recover from sex addiction! Call our helpline today!